
We’re now collecting items for the Lisburn Foodbank which is run by the Lisburn City Church in Graham Gardens and helps local people who are in crisis. There are special ‘Food Bank’ containers in the church vestibule and you can place any items which you wish to donate into these boxes. We’ll then deliver these to the food bank every fortnight. The shopping list includes: UHT or powdered milk, sugar, cartons of fruit juice, soup, pasta sauces, tinned tomatoes, tinned sponge pudding, cereals, tinned rice pudding, tea bags, instant coffee, instant mash potato, rice, pasta, tinned meat or fish, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, jam or biscuits. You can also help by volunteering at the food bank. Help is required to stack, store and pack and also to chat with those folks who use the service. If you think you could help, please speak to Adam Thompson (07753 344367). Thank you!

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