After a tiring week the Impact team unwind by getting fully immersed in the community water fight!
The Impact Daily Blog
Friday 28th July – Day 5 And suddenly it was the last day and a tired but passionate Impact team gathered in the marquee for the last discipleship session. It has been just fabulous that the local children have wanted
Only 1 Day until Legacurry Impact
THERE’S NOW ONLY ONE DAY TO LEGACURRY IMPACT … and here’s the plan! If you would like to be involved in this year’s Impact team, then you will need to register using the form below now and return the form to Chris or
Landlubbers Holiday Bible Club
Ahoy there Landlubbers! This year’s Holiday Bible Club runs from Monday 31st July to Friday 4th August. The club is open every day from 10am to 12noon with fun, games, songs and stories for children who were in