
Legacurry are sending a team of helpers aged 16+ to help with a community clear up at the Bluehouses on Thursday 8 August 12-4pm, finishing up with a BBQ. This is open to anyone over 16, no upper age limit
All ladies are welcome to come along and enjoy an outing on Friday 14 June. Meeting in the church car park at 3.00pm and driving to Bedeck in Magheralin, then on to Edenmore Golf Club for a candle-making session and
Work Week A week of work is being organised from 17 -20 June from 6.30pm each evening. We are looking for people to come along to help with some tidying and maintenance of the property and grounds.
An evening of fun and board games is planned for Monday 13 May at 7.30pm in the Minor Hall. The invitation is open to all ladies and of all ages. We finish off the evening with a a light supper. For more
The monthly coffee morning will be held on Wednesday 1 May in the Minor Hall from 10.00am – 12noon. Do join us for chat and refreshments.
EveryWoman meets on Monday 8 April at 8.00pm in the Minor Hall. ‘Being transformed through health care’ – join us to hear about the work of Mercy Ships.
The next Men’s Social Night will be on Tuesday 19 March at 8.00pm. This will be a Table Tennis Night.
The Monthly Coffee Morning is on Wednesday 6 March in the Minor Hall from 10.00am – 12noon. Do drop in for coffee and chat.
Tuesday 20 February at 8pm in the Main Hall, Bowls Night with David Hunter no experience necessary.