Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets on Tuesday 25 February at 10.30am in the Minor Hall.
EveryWoman meets on Monday 3 February at 8.00pm in the Minor Hall. Our speaker will be Valerie Murphy. Valerie is one of the lecturers on the Women’s Study Fellowship course at Belfast School of Theology. Do put the date in
Youth Co-ordinator Information Pack
We have significant ongoing activities in our youth organisations but are keen to develop our activities even further. Our aim is to grow our youth church community and keep them fully engaged in church life from teenager through into adulthood.
The Ordination and Installation of Mark Hawthorne
Friday 6th December saw the Ordination and Installation Service of Mark Hawthorne, our new Minister at Legacurry. Pictured left is the Reverend Andrew Thompson, our convenor throughout the vacancy and new Minister, the Reverend Mark Thompson. The evening saw a
The Ordination & Installation Service of Mark Hawthorne
Friday 6 December is rapidly approaching when Mark Hawthorne will be ordained and installed as our new minister. Kirk Session has appointed a sub-group to oversee the arrangements for seating and supply of catering on that evening. We are currently
EveryWoman meets on Monday 4 November at 8.00pm in the Minor Hall. Sam Stewart will share how he has been Entrusted to Share ‘Good News for Everyone’, an organisation formerly known as Gideons. Some of us will have picked up
Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets on Tuesday 26 November at 10.30am in the Minor Hall. We extend an invitation to anyone who may or may not be a knitter or crocheter to join us a for a cuppa and chat.
Lisburn Foodbank
During the last year, Lisburn Foodbank has provided 1,408 emergency food parcels to people who can’t afford the essentials. This year, they’ve seen a significant drop in donations. Over the summer period the donations were nearly 50% less than the previous year.
Men’s Social Night
Darts in the Minor Hall, Tuesday 8 October at 8.00pm. Any questions to Martin Campbell 07426 346 265.