For prices and to make your booking, click here:
Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets on Tuesday 28 November at 10.30 am in the Minor Hall. If you knit or crochet please support us as we create garments for the cauldron at Fantastic Choice pre-school, S Africa.
EveryWoman meets on Monday 6 November at 8.00 pm in the Minor Hall. Being Transformed through Mentoring with Reach Mentoring, a Christian charity focussing on mentoring young people in schools in Armagh and Down.
Monthly Coffee Morning
Wednesday 1 November in Minor Hall from 10.00 am to 12 noon. This is open to all in the community.
Family Fun Night 2023
Join us for our annual free Family Fun Night on Tuesday 31st October 2023 in the Main Hall.
A Celebration of Christmas Concert with Ruth Jennings
Join us on Saturday 2nd December at 8.00pm in the church of A Celebration of Christmas with Ruth Jennings and friends. Tickets are £10, concessions £5. Tickets are available at church or call Linda: 07884 437376 or Alex: 07922 495555