2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)

Hi folks, this is our later prayer letter, please keep us in your prayers

From Cesar

So far, we are going well through these stressful times. God has been merciful with our family because all of us haven´t got the virus even our country is facing very high number of deaths and diseases. Perhaps you already know that Peru is one of the top countries with more contagious population. Unfortunately, our population is not taking care of safety measure in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Main reason is economical. Almost 70% of jobs have been affected by COVID-19 and thousands of people are facing lay-offs or they have already been fired. On the other hand, our political stability is very fragile. Peruvian Congress is giving wrong laws in order to face the economical problems but those are hurting our economy in the short time. Our President has been accused of corruption and there are politicians that he resigns of his position. All these events show us that our confidence must be put on God.
Situation at school is still very uncertain. There is a big number of families that cannot pay their fees and we have received a significant number of applications for scholarships because of lack of economical resources. Schools don´t expect to open their doors again until the end of March 2021 at least, but even that time could be longer. Next two weeks are going to be very hard for me because we also have to talk to staff about lay-offs. However, not all is bad news. Churches in Peru are making efforts for helping people in need, the Gospel is spreading more than ever using media and social networks and many people is being reached by God´s word. Jessica and I are committed with a small group of couples and we meet them weekly. I´m going to start bible studies with a small group of men next week. I´m very excited about that and my pray is being a good example of man of faith.

From Jessica

Our dear friends, we trust on God you are doing well, now we are sending our latest news.
Thanks God we are fine, we haven´t got Covid-19. We understand we should stay at home even that is easier to say it than do it, it is 6 months we are at home, it is not easy, specially for the boys.
This is not an easy time for us, but it is helping me to work with my mind and full it with God´s word more than usual. It is so wonderful to see God´s faithfulness and that we, as their children have hope during any trouble.
I am serving the Lord at church in the women fellowship. I have a nice group of youth women (I feel old among them ? because they are around 25-30 years old). It is a nice time studying the Bible with them. I´m serving with Cesar at Marriage´s fellowship. It is nice to meet with others every week and study topics that help us as couples. I feel very glad to be part of this church ministry. A couple of weeks ago I started to work as volunteer at USEL (former Evangelical Seminary of Lima) teaching Hebrew. My former alma mater cannot afford to pay salaries of teachers so I wanted to help them lecturing four hours per week. I trust on God that He will provide for our needs.
Cesar Jr has started some heart tests; we hope to get results that clear any possible disease.
He finished his studies at university and the bank asked him to stay working with them, we are happy, thankful to God and proud of him. He is doing his best at work. Carlos is starting his second term at university. We trust that God will provide us to pay the full tuition this term. Carlos is doing his best as well, and because of his effort he could have a better schedule for his studies.
They are both attending to the virtual youth bible studying at church, Cesar Jr still have questions to answer, Carlos reads books about the bible beside of his devotional time.
Economy is starting to affect us, but we continue praying and trusting God´s faithfulness. I am praying and asking God what to do, we are thinking probably to start an educational business, we need advice for that.


1. May we persevere and keep strong during all this difficult time for everybody.
2. May our Lord use us as blessings for others.
3. May our Lord give Cesar dad wisdom to take the best decisions for the school.
4. May our Lord give Jessica a job or we could start a business education, we need His guidance.
5. May our Lord provide us for our needs.
6. For Carol (Jessica´s sister) for her emotional health, may our Lord work in her mind.

God bless all of us. We love you and remember you in our prayers.
The Morales

Update from Cesar and Jessica Morales September 2020

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