We’re obviously all aware of the new restrictions in place in Northern Ireland since Friday to help curb the spread of Covid-19. We want to first of all give thanks to God that Churches are still able to meet, largely because of how closely we have been following government guidance and protocols. We want to take this opportunity to remind you that as we come to worship we should maintain a social distance of 2 metres (6 feet) at all times, face coverings should be worn unless you are medically exempt, we all need to sanitise our hands coming in and out of church, and we need to wipe down the pews before we leave. But for now, there are no changes to what we do on a Sunday and our services, including Sunday School, can continue.

Youth Meetings

In light of the new restrictions, PCI has recommended that we cancel our separate gatherings of children and young people for the two weeks that schools are closed, beginning tomorrow, 19th October. This means that both Senior and Junior Youth Fellowship, and BB, cannot meet in person for those two weeks that schools are closed. Senior Youth Fellowship will meet this evening, but there will be no Junior Youth next week of Senior Youth the week after.

18th October
Senior Youth Fellowship Sunday 18th October 7:00-8:30pm in the Main Hall.
Years 12+ Please wear face covering and bring Bible, Notebook, Pen, and Water.

Boys Brigade

Boys Brigade will have been in touch with members already about their arrangements, but they won’t be meeting face-to-face until the schools return as well. We hope and pray that this is just a pause of our face-to-face meetings, but will keep a close eye on government and church guidelines if they change.

Other Activities

As for the rest of our activities, our worship services on Sundays, and our midweek services will continue as normal under social distancing guidelines, but we do ask that any other meetings take place online where possible.

Covid Update 18th October 2020
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