EveryWoman meets on Monday 4 March at 8.00 pm in the Minor Hall. “Being transformed through Gospel literature” – Revival Movement Association
EveryWoman meets on Monday 4 March at 8.00 pm in the Minor Hall. “Being transformed through Gospel literature” – Revival Movement Association.
Finance and Administration Officer Job Opportunity
The Blue Houses in Ballysillan have an exciting job opportunity now available.
Start Right
For those interested in exploring the Christian faith or inviting a friend who has questions to ask, Start Right is a small group discussion for any and all questions. Wednesdays 21st February – 27th March, 2024Meeting at John & Alison
EveryWoman meets on Monday 5 February at 8.00 pm in Minor Hall. “Being transformed through pastoral care” . Speaker is Dr Lena Morrow.
Men’s Social Night
Tuesday 20 February at 8pm in the Main Hall, Bowls Night with David Hunter no experience necessary.
Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets in the Minor Hall from 10.30am-11.30am on Tuesday 27 February.
Monthly Coffee Morning
Monthly coffee morning meets in Minor Hall on Wednesday 7 February from 10.00am – 12noon.
Teaching Weekend with Rev David Cupples
Monthly Coffee Morning
Wednesday 3 January from 10.00am – 12noon in the Minor Hall. Do come along for a chat and cuppa.