
As a church, we believe that it is very important to support our team in prayer throughout their time in Burkina Faso. It simply isn’t possible for all of us to go on such mission trips, but we can all play our part by remembering the team in our prayers.
You can do this in several different ways:

We’ll be meeting for prayer in the minister’s room every night at nine o’clock from
Monday, 7th November to the Friday, 18th of November.
We would love you to join us as often as possible and stay as long as you can.

If you can’t make it down to church, then please set aside some time for personal prayer around nine o’clock every evening. To help you, you could use the following prayer guide:

pige-ved-flod-djina-ouorou-burkina-faso-photo-william-vest-lillesoe1200x800 Saturday, 5th November 
Pray for the safe travel of the Legacurry team and for a successful flight connection in Paris. Pray that they will have an unhindered passage through customs and immigration in Burkina Faso and have a peaceful rest during their stop in Ouagadougou.
pastor-phillippe Sunday, 6th November 
Pray for Pastor Phillippe and the church family in Ouagadougou as our team join them for worship. Pray that the team will acclimatise quickly to temperatures of 38 degrees by day and 25 degrees at night.
drillers-2 Monday, 7th November 
Pray for the team as they prepare for the work of well drilling – as they train how to use the equipment safely and get the drilling rig ready for action. Pray that the Lord will guide the Stafford Centre team as they meet the staff and the children and finalise their plans for the next two weeks.
untoldstories_holes_price_burkinafaso06 Tuesday, 8th November 
Pray for safe travel as the team move to their first well-drilling location. Pray for a safe and secure working environment and that the Lord would mightily bless their efforts in His name. Pray for the people of Wilmslow in London who have provided funding for a well at Romogo, southwest of Ouagadougou.
children-205223_1920 Wednesday, 9th November 
Pray for the Stafford Centre team as they continue their work to refurbish the school and orphanage. Pray that the Lord would give them opportunities to bring glorify to His name as they work among the children and their teachers.
11196_10151355972854818_148843823_n1 Thursday, 10th November 
Pray for the Friends In Action drilling team of Mark and Louise Collier and their family. Pray also for Tim Wilson, who is now back working full-time in Burkina Faso. Pray that the Lord would honour their efforts by the successful drilling of water wells which will transform the lives of people in need.
burkina-faso-women-farmers-ogb-71963-1220x763-copy Friday, 11th November 
Pray for safe travel as the Stafford Centre team move to join up with the well-drilling team. Pray for their health and strength, for acclimatisation to the heat and food. Pray for the families of all the team members who will be missing loved ones!
april12-2 Saturday, 12th November 
Give thanks for a successful first week of work and give thanks for lives changed. Praise God that He allows us to serve Him in mission. Pray that the team have a good day of refreshment as they prepare for their second week.
2007_kaya_burkina_faso Sunday, 13th November 
Pray for the work and witness of the Christian churches in Burkina Faso. Give thanks for all the teams from Legacurry who have built this partnership in the Gospel over the past 13 years. Praise God that we are all one in Christ Jesus.
burkina-254158_1920 Monday, 14th November 
Pray for strength for a new week of service. Pray for the children and teachers at the Stafford Centre orphanage and school. Pray that they may receive a good education and have better life opportunities as a result. Pray for the successful completion of more water wells.
image1 Tuesday, 15th November 
Give thanks to God for everyone who has been involved in this project, alongside the team who have travelled to Burkina Faso. Give thanks for all who encouraged the team through their prayers and their generous financial support. Pray for unity among the team as they grow physically tired.
mineisborn_untold_stories_price_burkina_faso13 Wednesday, 16th November 
Pray for stable government for Burkina Faso. Pray that there will be security for all and that those in the North of the country, whom we can’t visit at this time, feel part of the family of God. Pray for guidance and the safety of our well-drilling team as they near the end of their projects.
africa-205218_1280leo_markt Thursday, 17th November 
Pray that the team have used their time well to help the people at the Stafford Centre. Pray for guidance for AEAD as they develop future plans to assure the sustainable future of the centre. Pray for the many orphan children who rely on the existence of the Stafford Centre. Pray that our team have made meaningful relationships with the staff and children.
 pump800 Friday, 18th November 
Pray for travel safety as the well-drilling team make the return journey to Ouagadougou. Pray that God will abundantly bless their work and that many more people have been given a clean water supply. Pray for the people of Burkina Faso – that God will use the witness of our team to shine the light of the Gospel to many.
bk-group-dublin Saturday, 19th November 
Pray for the team as they say goodbye to new and old friends. Pray for their safe return as they take an overnight flight to Paris and then onward to Dublin. Give thanks to the Lord for all they have achieved in His name. Give thanks to God for the whole church family at Legacurry who have supported this project.
Burkina Faso Prayer Diary

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