Join us on Saturday 2nd December at 8.00pm in the church of A Celebration of Christmas with Ruth Jennings and friends. Tickets are £10, concessions £5. Tickets are available at church or call Linda: 07884 437376 or Alex: 07922 495555
Men’s Social Night
Men’s Social Night There will be a Men’s Social Night on Tuesday 3 October from 8.00pm—10.00pm in the Minor Hall. This will take the form of a Darts Night. Everyone welcome. For more information contact Martin 07426 346 265.
Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning A date for your diary. This year we are having a monthly coffee morning in Minor Hall from 10.00 am – 12 noon. This is open to all in the congregation and to others in the community. Please
Coffee Morning for Kenya
Zoe Rodgers is going on a mission trip to Kenya through school in conjunction with Mission Africa at the end of October. There will be a fundraising coffee morning in the Minor Hall on Saturday 23 September between 10:00am and
EveryWoman is beginning on Monday 11 September at 7.00 pm in the Minor Hall. The evening will begin with a meal, followed by a recognition of Ann Liddle’s commitment and support of EveryWoman. We extend an invitation to all women in the
GB Uniform Swap Shop
Leading Edge
Want to sharpen your approach to leading in your role in church life? Leading edge offers a programme of five mornings spread across a six month period giving the opportunity to come together with others to explore some key aspects of leading
Caring Together
Caring Together Date: Saturday 9 September 2023 10.30am-1pm. Cost £10.00 to include coffee/tea; Venue: Assembly Buildings, Belfast; Speaker: Helen Thorne, Biblical Counselling UK This is a special event for women to come together to explore ways in which we can
Joint Summer Youth Week
End of Summer Party All those starting Y8 and above are invited to the end of summer party on Saturday 26 August at 7.30pm as they start back into the school term.
Summer Picnics
Once again we plan to have several family picnics over the summer. The idea is, bring your own picnic and meet up with other church families, individuals. The first will be Sunday 11 June at Wallace Park, after the morning