5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5 KJV

Hello my dear friends
It is been a long time since our last contact, but I want to tell you that God remains faithful and merciful to us. I believe our last letter was close to Easter, so there’s much to share. The activities at the school are progressing smoothly. We continue to promote our bilingualism project, and we are making steady progress in teaching different subjects in English. We still need teachers who can teach high school-level courses in English.
In June, we celebrated the school’s 106th anniversary with a well-attended ceremony. We have a project to place a bust of our founder on a main avenue in the city. We are in the process of obtaining the necessary permits from the city authorities. In June also, I was awarded a prize by the British Council to conduct research in some Peruvian schools on the topic of leadership among adolescents. I am very excited because it’s the first time this prize has been awarded to a Peruvian school. I hope to conduct a good research study to gain international recognition for our school.
A couple of weeks ago, I received an invitation to participate in the selection process for finding a Consultant for Theological Education for Latin America and the Caribbean. This position would allow me to make connections with theological seminaries across the continent and would give me the opportunity to return to fulfilling my calling in that area. Jessica and I are praying to God to show us His will in this entire process. Please support us with our prayers.

In the 1st photograph we are with a couple with their family, they studied at the seminary (where we used to teach), they invited us for a conference in our mountains. In the 2nd, we are with our marriage group, celebrating father’s day.

Our dear friends, how are you?
We miss you very much, we hope all of you are doing well.
Thanks God, after a few months in treatment, I no longer have pain. The doctor says that he thinks that it is not arthritis what I have, but there is still a value in my tests that comes up high and there is no explanation. Thanks God, I am much better now. As for my dissertation, I am advancing slowly, but I am very close to defend it. About my dad, cancer has returned, and we are in the middle of examinations to see the treatment he will receive, the difficult thing is that he is very thin and weak. My sister Carol is better, continue praying for her please. I have been teaching Hebrew for two terms, but I am not teaching this one. In the church, I am serving a lot, in the ladies’ group (in the morning and in the evening), in addition, we lead our group of marriage and in the church retreats.

In the first photograph I want to introduce my dad. The second one is in a teacher´s conference in our mountains.
Cesar Jr. continues working, we see him increasingly interested in learning from the word of God, and he serves in the youth church and in different retreats.
In the photograph, Cesar Jr and his girlfriend.

Carlos continues studying at the university, he is about to start the 8th cycle. He attends his youth group and serves in the teen group.
In the photograph, Cesar Jr and Carlos with part of the youth, they used to play soccer.

The situation in our country continues to be tough, food prices have gone up and have not gone down. Now they are very similar to those abroad, crime and corruption have increased, it is sad to see our country like this.
We ask you to pray for us, that God guides our steps to always make the best decisions. We can only praise our Lord, because in the midst of everything, He keeps his word, He is faithful, and we can only give Him glory and honor because only He deserves it.
We need to go for a walk and have a break. May God give us health, strength and continue to provide for every need that arises. May he continue to use us in his work to be a blessing to others.
To know you pray for us, it is always a blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love Legacurry family.
Maybe one day, you can visit us or we could go and visit you again.
Love and blessings from your Peruvian friends
The Morales family