News From The Morales Family (Peru)

From Cesar

This first bimester flew by so quickly. This week we are taking exams to our students, so there is a bit of stress during these days. Regarding my course, Global Perspectives, I can tell you that it has been a big challenge for me and also for students. I think the main challenge is to teach the whole course in English.

Sometimes I feel my brain is very tired to think in English and I found myself speaking in “Spanglish”. We need some help of native English speaker teachers who would like to invest one year of their lives with us helping with our “Bilingual School” project.

Last time I told you about our project for buying a property very close to our building. I think we’ll need to wait for it because we found that our main auditorium needs to be reinforced according to some security regulations. This is forcing us to make some strategic decisions. On the one hand we could make some work on our old building; on the other hand we could build a whole new building. Whatever would be our decision it means to raise some funds for making it possible. I want to develop a project for raising funds toward our new building. Please help me praying for wisdom in order to do this.

From Jessica

Hello our dear friends, I hope you all are doing well. These months have been very busy. At school I have a lot to do and there are so many new things I have to learn by myself because nobody can train me. The lady who was in charge left the school very quickly, so I really need your prayers for that. My new role is to take care of the health, nutrition and development of the school´s families. The school has a new manager, he is changing some things in the school and it is not easy for some of the current employees to adapt into it.

Our flat needs some things to be fixed, and we didn´t expect to do it all together. There was a flood in the flat, a worker came and had to chop the wall to fix a pipe, the water heater has failed, etc.   Cesar Jr and Carlos are both studying very hard these two weeks because they are on exams. Cesar Jr would like to work to get some experience and to be able to get some things he likes, but there is no job so he is studying hard. About the scholarship he wanted to apply, the university informed him there are no more scholarships for this year so he has to wait for the following year. He is disappointed, because he really wanted it but we know he has to wait for God´s will.  Carlos was invited to go to England with a group of the school for a competition, but he can”t go because we are not able to pay it. It is a pity because he was invited last year as well, but we had planned our travel to N.I and we are still paying it. We think they (Cesar Jr and Carlos) will have the opportunity later. On the other hand, he doesn´t know yet what to study when he finishes high school (it is still next year), but he talks a lot about it.

When I was with you on January, I talked with some of you about my worries for our future. All what I know, and what I had to remember is that we live by faith and God is with us, we live day by day.

At church we are attending to our marriage’s group and we are very happy there. Also the ministers started asking Cesar to help in one Bible class. I’m teaching in our former bible college during Saturdays. We know God is training us for something in the future, what it is, we don´t know yet, but we want to do His will and be ready.



  1. For Cesar and Jessica, may God use them in the role they have in their schools.
  2. For Cesar Jr and Carlos so they trust in God´s will and have new good Christian friends at church.
  3. May God continue providing us for our expenses (the flat, university, school, etc).
  4. For raising funds for a new building for San Andres School.


16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

With Love

 The Morales Family

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