“Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, 8 he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2: 6-11

Our dear Friends

We hope you are doing ok. These last days were exceedingly difficult for our country. In the last two weeks we have had 3 presidents. There were public demonstrations in all over the country, each city from our coast, mountain and jungle. Most of those demonstrations were leaded by youth people who went out and protest because of the corruption that was going on in our government’s leadership. Sadly 2 young people died. Thanks God, things are more stable now. Half of population in Lima didn´t sleep for almost 2 days, we could watch on Tv what was happening and people who weren´t out marching were in their windows hitting pots. As you may imagine all of this is incredibly sad for us. Beside the Covid 19 crisis, we have this political and social situation that is bringing more instability economically, socially, and internationally.

From Cesar: We are almost arriving to the end of 2020. Economical problems at school looks not to finish in the near future. Almost 60% of parents is not paying their fees on time and we do not expect they will do at the end of this year. We are delivering classes online and we expect to do the same at least until July 2021. This is very exhausting for teachers as well as for students. Second half of December is going to be a hard time because of decisions that have to be made (lay-offs, cutting salaries, etc.). We are planning to celebrate our Commencement Service and Graduation on December 19th through streaming.  On the other hand, we thank God for our health. So far none of us have been reached by the virus. My struggle is food for sure. I’m trying not to get fat but sometimes is difficult. I should do exercise. Regarding church ministry, we are still leading a marriage group. We enjoy those meetings very much because we can share experiences and we can see how God is taking care of our marriages and families. Recently I started to deliver some webinars related to preaching and teaching to pastors and teachers interested to get more training on those areas. It is a nice and also interesting experience because I can reach some people that I couldn’t get them in normal times. I hope God may use me as a help for those who need it. Our plan is going to Trujillo for Christmas and come back to Lima for New Year celebration. We have not visited my in-laws since January.

From Jessica: About me, I still don´t have a formal job and, in this time, it is difficult to get one. As I told you, I am lecturing ad honorem at my formal bible college. It is nice to bring back all my memories of teaching Hebrew and remember how much I love to do it. My students´ checked the material I did almost 10 years ago, and they encouraged me to public it as a book. It took me some years and I put a lot of effort when I wrote that material. So, after prayers and conversations with my husband, we sent it to an editor, and he will start editing the material I´ve already sent to him. On the other hand, because of the difficult situation we are living in our country, we are doing all the papers to start a business of education and I am getting training in a course to evaluate personality to help people: individually, in marriages and companies with advisory but more objectively. We don´t know what will happen in the future, but we know we must start doing something and we trust God is guiding us.

This time for us is like when God talked to Abraham and asked him to leave his land and family. Cesar will stay at San Andres school until the end of 2021, we pray that God helps Cesar so that he can leave the school in good financial shape and on track and someone else will take over. We believe that the hardest part of changes is over. We don´t know yet, but we are praying that at the end of 2021 or at the beginning of 2022 God would open a door and we can start again serving Him in a church or in a Bible college.

We are quite locked in the house since March. We just go out to buy our needing and I think we need desperate to go out, or go to the beach or go to a field, I hope we can do it on summer at list for a couple of days.

Carlos is studying at university, he is doing his best, it is not easy for him, but he is keeping going and he attends faithfully to his youth bible club by zoom.

Cesar is still working at the bank, thanks God he has a job, and he is doing his best. He needs to go back to the cardiologist in January, doctors need to do more exams and more detailed ultrasounds to him. He is attending to his youth bible club more frequently but specially; he is talking more about his faith.

Thank you for your love and support over these years. We arrived to N.I in August 2000, I think, we started attending to the church in September or October. It has been 20 years we met Legacurry family and we just are so grateful to all of you. You are family and a blessing for us. We want to encourage you as a church to persevere doing God´s will. Thank you, really, thank you very much.

We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Tes. 1:2-3

Prayer Request

  1. May God keep us safe from COVID 19.
  2. Economical situation at San Andres school. May God provide financial resources to parents.
  3. May our Lord guide us to do His will. May He open doors or close doors and show us what to do, where to go and when to do it.
  4. May our Lord provide us for our needs and responsibilities (Carlos´s studies and house fees’).
  5. May our Lord heal Cesar Jr and show the doctor where we should go
  6. May Jessica´s family know and accept Jesus in their hearts.

Although this time is not easy, it is reach because we can grow up in our faith. So, thanks God for the proves we live; thanks God, He is with us and with all of you.

Love and Blessings.

The Morales Family.

News from the Morales Family – December 2020

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