For those interested in exploring the Christian faith or inviting a friend who has questions to ask, Graham plans to commence a Start Right course –Tues 20th Sep @ 8pm – 9:30pm in John and Alison Sloan’s home, running for 6 consecutive weeks. If you missed the first session, please don’t be shy and join in.

There will be another opportunity to attend a Start Right course commencing Mon 7th Nov @ 8pm- 9:30pm.


Bible Connect is a study for mature Christians challenging why we believe what we believe, with a Bible-focused study & discussion. Starting Wed 5th October @ 8pm-9:15pm, continuing fortnightly in the upstairs of the main hall.

Contact Graham if you plan to attend or have any questions meantime

Graham McClellan

M: 07914721761


Start Right & Bible Connect – Autumn 2022

Upcoming Events