Rev Andrew Thompson and Rev Mark Hawthorne

Friday 6th December saw the Ordination and Installation Service of Mark Hawthorne, our new Minister at Legacurry.

Pictured left is the Reverend Andrew Thompson, our convenor throughout the vacancy and new Minister, the Reverend Mark Thompson.

The evening saw a packed church and church halls with a number of Ministers and Presbytery representatives taking part in the service.

New minister, the Rev Mark Hawthorne and members of the Presbytery and associated churches.

Pictured left to right: Mr James Moore (Ballinderry) , the Rev Dr Martyn Cowan, Mr Stephen Johnston (Railway Street & Asst Clerk of Presbytery), the Rev Andrew Thompson, the Rev Fiona Forbes, the Rev Mark Hawthorne, the Very Rev William Henry, Mrs Heather Best (Harmony Hill) and Mr Gordon McEvoy (Elmwood). 

Inside Legacurry Presbyterian Church at the ordination and installation of Mark Hawthorne as the new minister.
The Ordination and Installation of Mark Hawthorne
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