Dear Friends,

I always look forward to Christmas Day!

One side of me loves the family service at Legacurry which is such a happy time; the family gathering for turkey dinner and puddings (plural!); gifts and chat, a bit of TV and maybe a game or two.

On the other hand, with Christmas visiting and extra services, I am usually shattered by the time the family service is over. By the time Christmas dinner and family car runs are over, it is usually mid-evening before I can relax and by that time I am way beyond tired. So, if I’m honest, (which all ministers should be) Christmas day itself can often be a bit of an anti-climax.

Dreams and reality rarely match-up do they?  The “search for joy that lasts” is our theme this year at Legacurry, and that’s not just a Christmas event but a desire for the whole of life.  We all want “joy that lasts”, a deep-seated joy that remains intact even through the worst storms life can batter us with.  Just before going to the cross Jesus spoke to the Father about His disciples. He said, “I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.” John 17v13.

Jesus’ promise of His joy is a promise founded on the very reputation of God the Father.  “Joy that lasts” is to be found in Jesus.  He shares His joy with us and not just a dollop like a dollop of brandy cream, the full measure of His joy.

If you have never really come to Jesus and received Him into your heart, why not do that this Christmas time. He alone gives “joy that lasts”.

So, yes, you’ve guessed it, I am STILL looking forward to Christmas this year!

Yours in His service,
Bobby Liddle


A Thought For December

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