Note, the restrictions below have now been removed, please see our latest posts for updates.
You can still watch the live services from home via YouTube.
Each week, our Minister and assistant Minister, along with minimal volunteers, broadcast the weekly service live from the church as well as accepting bookings for seating in the Church building, the Main Hall and the Minor Hall.
Sunday School has ended for the summer but Children’s Church (nursery to P4) meets in the Youth Hall.
To attend in person, book your seats for Sunday morning services and Children’s Church:
Book your seats and Sunday School places:
Because of social distancing regulations and guidelines, the number of people able to attend each week has been reduced. Using a seat reservation system, whereby seats are allocated in advance, we try to give everyone who wishes to attend, equal access to places that are available. Seats may be booked in the Church, the Main Hall and the Minor Hall, where the service will be live streamed.
We are encouraging as many people as possible to make their reservations online for Church and Sunday School. The booking system is called TicketSource and is accessible by using the following link:
If your children haven’t attended Sunday School before, please complete our permission slip before they attend.
You can also book places by telephone call to Helen in the church office: 028 9263 9375.
Day | Time |
Tuesday | 10am – 1pm |
Wednesday | 4pm – 8pm |
Thursday | 10am – 1pm |
How do I book?

When you go to the TicketSource website, you will be asked to choose a block of seats. Within each block, available seats will show as ORANGE. Seats already reserved are shown with a BLUE dot. Unavailable seats are GREY.
Please try, if possible to book a group of seats that matches the number that you need as, due to social distancing rules, other seats in the group will be blocked when at least one is reserved.
To try to maximise flexibility, single seats have not been set up individually in the seating plan. If you require a single seat, please feel free to book in any larger seating group that is available. A larger family group may have to book into 2 groups if a sufficiently large group of seats is not available together.
Confirmation of booking
As part of the booking process you will be asked for your email address and postal address. This will be used to send you confirmation details when you have booked and may also be used should there be any need to trace contacts. When you have completed your booking, you will receive an email confirmation setting out the details of your reservation.
What happens if I cannot attend?
To enable others to use your seat, in the event that you cannot attend, please be sure to cancel your reservation either through the website or by phoning the church office. Opening hours are shown above.
Please bring a note of your reservation when you come to church. If your reservation is for block A or B, please enter the church by the side door to the left of the building; those in blocks C, D and E will use the main entrance. The pew number will also be on your reservation and stewards will be on hand to show you to your seat.
Arriving at Church
When you arrive at the church, there are distancing markers to help us stay safe. While we are socially distancing, we won’t be able to greet each other with warm handshakes or hugs but there are no restrictions on warm smiles and waves! There is sanitizing gel for us to use at every entrance and to keep everyone moving safely through the buildings, we will be shown to our pews and seats by a friendly team of trained stewards.
We will continue to celebrate Birthdays as we have been doing with Church at Home, so parents, keep sending us photos when your child’s birthday is coming up, along with their name and age, so we can share prayers and Birthday Blessings.
Toilets will be available and there will be plenty of cleaning products which can be used to keep them hygienic and safe for everyone.
Church Praise and Giving
We are still able to join together in praising God through our music, but our Praise Team layout will look a little different. We will not be passing offering plates around, but will have a retiring offering at each of the doors. Or if you prefer, you can ask your elder or one of the stewards about signing up for a standing order.
Creche, Sunday School and Bible Class
Sunday school places must be booked in the same way as Church service seats. To book your places, go to the TicketSource website.
Creche and Bible Class are not currently running.
For times when stricter lockdowns are in force and Church cannot meet, downloadable worksheets will be prepared for each week and shared on our website blog.
The church will be thoroughly cleaned each week before Sunday morning and there will be antibacterial wipes in each pew for you to use if you wish to. Before we leave, we can each use these wipes to clean down the touch points where we have been sitting and bins will be provided at the doors to throw them away.
Please wear a face mask when meeting together in church if you can. We will also have some at the entry points if you have forgotten yours, so don’t be afraid to ask for them.
Leaving the service
After the service, the Stewards will guide us out safely. It may take a little longer to leave than usual so let’s keep our socially distanced conversations outside so as not to block the exits.
Prayer ministry
Although initially we won’t be able to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together after the service, Prayer Ministry will still be available in the prayer room which can safely hold three people (including the member(s) of the Prayer Ministry Team) at a time.
Community of Grace
As we continue to worship together, let’s remember to be patient with one another. Church looks and perhaps feels a bit different, and we will all respond to this in different ways. The guidelines and restrictions for keeping us safe are changing all the time and it may take some time (and a lot of work) for these changes to be interpreted and implemented in a way that works for us in Legacurry. Let’s also remember to stay in touch with the people who cannot be at church for whatever reason, as we have been doing during the stricter lockdowns. Above all, let’s thank God for the freedom we have to come together publicly to worship Him and take every opportunity to do so as His community of grace.