Tuesday 20 February at 8pm in the Main Hall, Bowls Night with David Hunter no experience necessary.
Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets in the Minor Hall from 10.30am-11.30am on Tuesday 27 February.
Monthly Coffee Morning
Monthly coffee morning meets in Minor Hall on Wednesday 7 February from 10.00am – 12noon.
Teaching Weekend with Rev David Cupples
Monthly Coffee Morning
Wednesday 3 January from 10.00am – 12noon in the Minor Hall. Do come along for a chat and cuppa.
Helping Hands
Helping Hands meets on Tuesday 30 January at 10.30am in the Minor Hall for more knitting and crocheting for Fantastic Choice pre-school.
EveryWoman will meet on Monday 8 January in the Minor Hall at 8.00pm. “Being transformed room by room” – a time of reflection at the beginning of a new year. We extend a warm welcome to all ladies in the congregation
Sunday School
We need one more teacher to join our Sunday School Teaching Team. Teaching approximately 5 sessions between January – May 2024. Working with either the P4 & P5 age group or the P6 – Yr8 group. Please contact Kathryn Wallace
Carol Service 2023
Join us for our annual Carol Service on Sunday 17th December from 6.30pm-7.30pm in the church. Lit by candlelight and Christmas trees, the service will be led by the Reverend James Burnett. Join us in the Main Hall for tea,
EveryWoman meets on Monday 4 December at 8.00 pm in Minor Hall. “Being transformed by the message of Christmas”. If you have not joined us in the past, please put the date in your diary and come along to our