It’s that time of year again! Legacurry Bible Club introduces “Good News Detectives” kicking off Monday 24 July to Friday 28 July 2023. We’re on a search for some missing Bible artefacts and need your help to recover them and discover the Good News of Jesus!
Open to current primary school aged children so please register via the QR code to save your place! If you have any questions please email bibleclub@legacurry.church
If you’d like to get involved in any capacity with leading/helping/sorting crafts etc please speak to Rach Scott or Emma McCoosh or email bibleclub@legacurry.church. Helpers must be aged 15+ as of 24 July and we’ve no upper age limit!
Please pray for the HBC team and all the kids who will come along, that God will be working in their lives, preparing their hearts to hear the Good News of Jesus and that the Spirit will work boldly in our youth events this summer.