Dear Friends,

‘To attempt any work for God without prayer is as futile as trying to launch a space probe with a peashooter.’ John Blanchard

It is essential that every aspect of our work and influence is underpinned by prayer.  At Legacurry we aim to achieve this in a whole variety of ways such as:

Prayer Chain
The Legacurry Prayer Chain is one of many opportunities to support the work of our congregation, its people, the local community and the wider world.

The Prayer Chain currently comprises approximately 60 people who have agreed to receive prayer requests via text and/or email.  They have made a commitment to pray for these in private and to follow certain guidelines in relation to confidentiality, consent etc.  The requests are currently forwarded to and circulated by Doris Dickison and Susan Rodgers.

Prayer chain members do not have to commit to attending additional meetings but simply commit to pray for a variety of needs and situations as and when they arise.  There are times when there is a lot of activity on the prayer chain and other times when it is quieter.

We believe that God does hear and answer prayer, and we know that the support of the prayer chain has been very meaningful for many within the congregation and much further afield.

If you are over 18 and feel that you would like to support the work of this congregation in this way please speak with Bobby, Nathan or one of the elders. If you are currently on the prayer chain and feel, for whatever reason, that you would like to take a break that is fine.  You can let Doris know and she will remove your name until you ask to be added again.

Prayer meeting
How many of us know there is a prayer meeting from 10.15 – 10.45am each Sunday before the morning service to seek the Lord’s blessing as we come to worship Him and give Him His glory. Currently it is meeting in the small room off the Youth Hall but may return again in time to the Old School room.

‘As it is the business of tailors to make clothes and cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray’. Martin Luther

Cell Groups
Prayer is a vital part of Cell Groups. Some people lament that we do not have a traditional mid-week prayer meeting. However, when our Thursday evening fellowship stopped approximately 8-10 people on average were attending. On a full night at Cell Groups about 70-80 might attend. That’s a lot more people praying, both silently and out loud. Why not think of joining a Cell Group?

Prayer Triplets
There are about 8-10 groups of people who meet in Triplets or sometimes quadruplets to pray. They sort out their own time, place, prayer agenda etc. Always room for more triplets!

‘Prayer does not enable us to do a greater work for God. Prayer is a greater work for God.’ Thomas Chalmers

A corner of the Ministers Room has been set up as a prayer space. The aim is to have one person, for one hour in the prayer space each day for a year. January is signed up and most of February. A sheet for March will go out in February. Why not give it a go, praying on your own with plenty of prayer material to use, and at a time that suits you.

Prayer Ministry
We can and should pray ‘for’ others. But, as we are commanded to carry each other’s burdens we can also pray ‘with’ one another. Our prayer ministry team is available every Sunday morning in the upstairs room of the Main Hall to pray privately and confidentially for anyone. Increasingly they are also available at the end of evening services and can be called upon should anyone wish someone to come and pray with them.   Do make use of this gentle and unobtrusive ministry.

The team also needs to be enhanced so if you are over 18 and believe the Lord might want you to be part of this ministry please speak to Rev Liddle or elders John Sloan or Gordon Dickson.

‘The measure of our love for others can largely be determined by the frequency and earnestness of our prayers for them.’ AW Pink

24:7 / 24:2 Prayer
Usually at the start of the Autumn and Spring terms we have more concentrated times of prayer in 24:2 or 24:7 Prayer room format. These provide an opportunity to pray widely with around 80 people attending over a 48 hour period.

Ad Hoc Prayer
From time-to-time we have exceptional periods of prayer, sometimes after a service and sometimes other special times. It is planned to hold a night of prayer on 13th Friday from approx.. 11.30pm – 6.00am. Just come along when you can and stay as long as you like.  Let it not be said that because we do not have a mid-week prayer meeting that we do not pray!    Not yet all of our communicant members make use of these prayer opportunities and we would encourage all to do so.

Yet we do not want to underestimate the prayers of God’s people at Legacurry in their own quiet times. As we look ahead to the challenges that face us as a community, individuals and a congregation (including our on-going accommodation needs and an election of elders), we need to be very much in prayer.

‘Prayer is the mightiest of all weapons that created natures can wield.’ Martin Luther

Yours in His name,
Bobby Liddle

Prayer at Legacurry
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