A message from Lisburn Foodbank to Legacurry:
We want to say a big THANK YOU to you for everything you do in supporting Lisburn Foodbank.
We are pleased to send out our latest newsletter highlighting what we have been up to over the last few months. See link below:
Newsletter September 2023.pdf
This Friday and Saturday we are supporting Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation with their Guarantee Our Essentials campaign. Read more below about how you can get involved.
Let’s talk about the future…

This year we have received 573 referrals of households in need of emergency food support, this is an increase of 37% since the previous year.
Everyone’s circumstances can change. Losing your job, needing to care for a sick family member, breaking up with your partner – these are things that can happen to any of us.
That’s why Universal Credit should offer support to anyone in need of help, but right now it’s not providing enough to cover the cost of life’s essentials, such as food, household bills and travel costs, with 90% of low-income households receiving Universal Credit going without.
That’s why the Trussell Trust, alongside the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, has launched a new campaign, calling on the UK government to Guarantee our Essentials.
The UK government must make sure the basic rate of Universal Credit at least covers life’s essentials and that support can never be pulled below that level.
It’s time for the UK government to guarantee our essentials.
- Lets talk about how we can work together.
“In the future I would hope I don’t need to use the foodbank/social supermarket. I’d be on an even keel, that we can survive with what we have now.” – Foodbank User
We hope you will join us in backing this campaign so we can make a difference for those we support!
Please remember if you know of anyone in need of food support to give us a call on 07756 965868 or drop an email to team@lisburnfoodbank.org