- A month of mission
- A lifetime of evangelism
- A passion for life
Churches across the UK and Ireland are gathering and preparing for a united month of mission leading up to Easter 2022. Spreading the Kingdom of God through our witness.
Legacurry – Easter 2022
Prayer Topics
Pray for the Church Mission happening next Spring. Prepare our hearts Lord that we will planj to invite our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to the events at Legacurry. Place upon our hearts the names of people that You would wan to us to invite. May we be receptive to the call to get involved.
Pray for the Team planning the Mission. Give thanks that they are willing to give of their time and talents to put this Mission together. Pray for wisdom in the decisions that they need to make.
For the people that we will invite to come along. That the Holy Spirit will convict them of their need for a Saviour. Pray that many will come to faith in Jesus.
For more information on A Passion for Life mission, go to www.apassionforlife.org.uk