
Legacurry Online Newsletter

Every month we distribute our online newsletter

@ Legacurry.

We hope that it will help you to keep in touch with all that’s happening right across our church family. As well as all the usual information about our church services and events, we’ll also have lots more video, photographs and links to other online material.

We’re using a service called Mailchimp so an email from us should appear in your inbox at the start of each month. You can then choose to view the newsletter on your computer, your tablet or on your smartphone.

 If you would like to receive our newsletter then simply send us your email address using the form below or to:

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This is a free service and you can opt out at any time. If you would like any more details then please have a chat with Alex Johnston, Rick Hassard or Aaron McCracken. 
Legacurry Online Newsletter

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