A Thought for February25253613841_745f509e4f_m

From the Rev. Bobby Liddle.

Dear Friends,

As you know we have been praying, thinking and exploring for some time the outworking of our vision for Legacurry Presbyterian Church.  Some of this outworking has accommodation implications so a sub-group of Kirk Session, Committee and congregation has been working with McCready Architects of Lisburn to draw up a potential plan which is now ready to present to the congregation.  Obviously any decision whether to proceed with this plan will be a congregational decision and this decision, as I mentioned in my sermon on New Year’s Day, must be based on Kingdom principles.  It will require careful consideration and prayer.
Kirk Session & Committee have arranged to present the potential plan to the congregation on Monday 27th February, 2017.  Further details of this meeting are contained in this News sheet. A printed outline of the potential scheme will be available on the night for each person to take home to consider and pray about.  The system for voting on the scheme will be explained at the meeting. Needless to say, this decision affects us all and potentially has long term implications so it is very important that as many people as possible attend.The meeting is open to all who come along to Legacurry, young and old, whether voting member or not. If only one half of a couple can make it along please make every effort to do so. Please also continue to pray for the Lord’s wisdom and leading.
As we look forward to whatever the Lord has for us in the future it is important that we think in terms of mission.  At the General Assembly last year the Moderator and his two chaplains preached on the book of Jonah and the mission challenges it brings to us in 21st century. We are delighted to welcome to Legacurry the Moderator of the General Assembly the Very Rev Dr Frank Sellar who will take both our services on Sunday 19th February and his two chaplains Rev David Cupples and Rev David Bruce on the two following Sundays.  They will lead us through the book of Jonah. We hope you will make every effort to be present at these three special Sunday services to welcome and learn from our three guests.
This is a highly significant time in the long history of our congregation and God’s work in this area.  So let us be attentive in prayer and action as we follow the Lord in our generation.

Yours in His name,

Bobby Liddle

A Thought For February

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