Dear Friends,

It was special to watch as the folks at our recent weekend away at Castlewellan, chatted over coffee and at meal times. Sometimes they chatted with folks they knew well and at other times with people they had just met – even after sharing the same worship space for years!

Such times are really useful in the life of a congregation for broadening and deepening our fellowship.

It was also special to come back to the evening service and share in fellowship with some who had been on the weekend and some who had not. There was no difference for we are all one body. We were reminded at the weekend that whoever we are and wherever we are in body, mind and spirit, Jesus invites us to walk with Him.  It is walking with Jesus in faith that unites and makes us one, diverse though we may be. While we may not be ‘one’ in our interests or personalities, we are one in Christ Jesus. And walking together in love with Jesus is such a powerful witness to the world.

As we read the little book ‘True Friendship’ and study it together in the next month let us seek to go beyond reading and put it into practice, taking responsibility for building friendships with one another.  We know the old saying-

To live above with those you love, undiluted glory. 

To live below with those you know, quite another story.

As we come on to studying Revelation we are reminded that those we now walk shoulder to shoulder with in Jesus, will be precisely those with whom we will share eternal glory. So, let us begin to fashion a little bit of that glory while we walk together in the here and now.  Be the friend you would like others to be to you.

Yours in His name,
Bobby Liddle

A Thought For February

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