A Thought For February – from Rev. Bobby Liddle

Dear Friends,

Here is an excerpt from the Age NI web-site.

For many older people winter means loneliness, poverty and ill-health.

Some older people find it difficult to pay their heating bills and keep their homes warm enough. Others can become bed-ridden with illness. Many struggle to leave the house in extremely cold and icy conditions and don’t see anyone for weeks.  

Many older people worry most about staying warm in winter.  Almost a third of older people in Northern Ireland tell us that television is their main form of company and even more feel isolated from their local communities than ever before.

Age NI, offers a wide range of services to help older people feel warm and well in winter.  They provide free information and advice to ease financial worries, run local day centres, provide befriending services to help fight loneliness and more.

With the right support, many more older people can live in comfort throughout the winter and remain warm, well and in touch.’

This should be of particular interest to us in Christ’s church for the Lord has always shown His compassion and care for the weak and vulnerable and expects believers to do the same.

We read in Leviticus 19v32 “ ‘Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect  for the elderly  and revere your God.  I am the LORD.”  

The Lord also expresses that He is faithful to the elderly.

Isaiah 46v4  “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

As He died on the cross Jesus demonstrated care for His own mother. John 19v26,27

“When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.”

In cold weather we may turn up our heating just a notch.  Could we turn up just one notch our care for an elderly parent, relative, neighbour, church member over these dark, wet, cold months?  A visit, a phone-call, a trip out?  A little job done?

It may cost us a little time and effort but it can make a huge difference to an elderly person.  Let’s be doers, not just hearers!

Yours in His name,

Bobby Liddle

A Thought For February

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