Could you help us transform the lives of young people in Burkina Faso?

As a church family, we’re announcing an exciting new project – in which we can all get involved…

Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. For its young people, especially those who have little or no education, the prospects are limited.

But, with your help we can change that for a lot of young people.

Working with Pastor Philippe Ouedraogo and our friends in AEAD, we are launching a project to equip a vocational training classroom at a school in Bethel Gourcy, a town in the North of Burkina Faso. You may already be familiar with the name because as a church, we supported the drilling of a water well there some years ago.

This facility will provide vocational training to young people and teach them the skills which they can then use to earn money and help support themselves and their families. At the start of the scheme we are going to concentrate on wood-working, electrical, building and sewing as these have been prioritised by our friends on the ground in Burkina Faso.

It is planned that the centre will provide training for around seventy students over the next three years.

This project is divided into three stages –

Firstly, we’ll convert an existing classroom at the school into a multi-function training room.

Next we’ll supply the tools, equipment and materials required to allow the students to learn their trades.

Then we’ll also fund the staff who will teach the young people for a period of three years.

Exciting  – isn’t it?
So how can you help?

We’re very thankful that we’ve already secured some funding to start this worthwhile project.
However we’re going to need more help to make this happen and you can support us in the following ways.

You could Give some tools. Do you have any surplus power or hand tools that could be sent to Burkina Faso?
We’ve just found out that there’s space available in a container which leaves in the middle of October.

You can find a list of the tools and materials we feel we will need here:

Vocational Project Tools Required

Perhaps you, or maybe even your employer, would like to Sponsor a larger piece of equipment, like a bench-drill?

Or maybe you could make a Donation of money that could buy tools or materials or help with the other costs associated with the project.  You can make a donation on our BT Donate fund-raising page on our website or by visiting the BT Donate page directly using the link below.

If you feel that you can assist in any way – providing tools, sponsorship, donations or help with collecting and packing tools, please have a word with David Martin who will be helping to co-ordinate this project on behalf of our church family.


Burkina Faso Vocational Training Scheme

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